Prevent projects are funded by the Home Office but developed with the provider by the Prevent Coordinator and monitored by the Prevent Coordinator, who reports to the Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland Prevent Steering Group and to the Home Office.
The Home Office has established a UK network of projects and providers which have all been successful in addressing the key themes of the Prevent strategy across the country, and Prevent ‘priority areas’ are given the opportunity to engage with this network and request the funds from the Home office to implement their projects locally. This cohort is continually growing and new, effective providers are always welcomed.
In addition to these projects, the Home Office will be making available an annual ‘innovation fund’ whereby new and creative project ideas can be submitted for consideration. These would not be managed locally, but would be directly contracted with the Home Office.
Any organisation can develop an idea for a Prevent project, but they must be able to show how the project would contribute to the objectives of the Leicester Prevent Delivery Plan. Current Delivery Plan objectives can be discussed with your Prevent Coordinator. The Coordinator will be expected to receive a completed version of the project plan (content, evaluation forms, measurements for objectives etc.) as it is their responsibility to represent the project for Home Office scrutiny.
The process for agreeing project bids and monitoring is managed via the Home Office and is subject to very close scrutiny. Below is a step chart of the project bid process. As you will appreciate this is a competitive tendering situation and even if the project gets through all the early steps they can still fall at the final hurdle.
Step 1 | Discuss project idea with Prevent Coordinator, and collaborate on project outline |
Step 2 | Prevent Coordinator will present completed outline to Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland (LLR) Prevent Steering Group |
Step 3 | If the Steering Group decides it should be considered as part of local delivery, then a full project proposal is completed and submitted to the Prevent Coordinator |
Step 4 | Prevent Coordinator submits full project proposal to Steering Group for final feedback and comments before submission to Home Office |
Step 5 | Home Office staff hold a Scrutiny Panel meeting to review submissions. Prevent Coordinator will be expected to answer detailed questions about all aspects of the project, its local relevance and predicted outcomes |
Step 6 | If approved in principle, Home Office staff make a recommendation to the appropriate Ministers for a final decision |
If the bid is successful, the Home Office contracts with the St Philip’s Centre for the project, who act as the accountable body for Prevent project funds.
The St Philip’s Centre will then contract with the project provider.
The Prevent Coordinator monitors progress and spend on the project every month and submits quarterly reports to the Home Office. In addition, the project will have to complete a more detailed six-monthly project evaluation to be submitted to the Home Office
If the Home Office is satisfied with progress and spend, quarterly funding is released to the St Philip’s Centre who then releases it to the project provider.
The Prevent Coordinator will be able to provide with details of the forthcoming bidding rounds and the current areas of interest for project bids.
Key areas for consideration are:
- Internet safety / digital awareness
- Vulnerable families
Expression of Interest Guidance Notes
A funding bid to Leicester Prevent should consist of:
One completed Prevent Project Expression of Interest form for each separate project.
We would not expect whole programmes of work to be submitted on a single Project Bid Form.
Applicant details
Please tell us the name of the organisation who will be delivering the project, the lead contacts full details, including name, address, telephone number and email address.
1. Project title
Tell us what the project is called.
2. Project description
Describe what the project will do and who will deliver it – in 3 or 4 sentences only. Also tell us how people will be chosen to participate, if applicable, and the duration of key activity (eg, 6 week residential course, 2 hours training).
3. Category of project
Choose the one that applies to the main focus of the project.
4. Strategic Fit Nationally
This is a very important section as we want to have a clear view of where your project sits in relation to the national strategic Prevent context.
5. Strategic Fit Locally
Please tell us how your project will support Leicester’s Local Delivery Plan. Explain how it will address any local Prevent issues. Please refer to the relevant Prevent objective(s) and identify the specific issue, threat or vulnerability (or set of issues) identified in your Prevent delivery plan which this project is designed to address.
6. Project aims
Please explain the aims of the project. These are the goals which it will set out to achieve. You will need to demonstrate how the aims fit with / connect to the objectives outlined above. It is best to be specific in your aims and avoid generic ‘management speak’, which can appear vague and unprofessional.
7. Outcomes
Describe in a list what end results or outcomes will be achieved – 2 or 3 key outcomes per project.
8. Short and medium term outputs
Short and medium term outputs are distinct from deliverables as they refer to progress made by participants towards meeting the project aims, eg improved critical thinking skills, improved Prevent awareness, and decreased risk.
9. Monitoring and measures
This is the project monitoring/evaluation. It is important to be able to demonstrate Value for Money (VFM) for projects; achieved by linking results to desired outputs. In many cases it is best practice to take measures before and after the activity.
Please set out how the project will be monitored including:
- the monitoring and evaluation techniques to be used
- the measures and tools identified to be recorded (eg participants’ knowledge of Prevent)
- when they will be measured (eg whether measures will be taken before and after delivery, and is so, how long before and after)
- how these tools will provide the necessary measures to show desired outputs are achieved and aims are met.
10. Deliverables and milestones
List the key deliverables planned to be achieved; linked to the aims, outputs and outcomes. Tell us when they will be completed (these dates are known as milestones).
11. Delivery partners and/ or providers
List the key delivery partners and any contracted providers, as far as is known at this stage. Be clear if you will need to recruit or conduct a recruitment exercise.
12. Resourcing and costs
How much will the project cost? Provide a full breakdown of costs and which financial year the costs will fall into. Quantify what the money will buy where you can. For example, if your cost covers training please indicate how many people benefit from that training. Please attach a detailed finance and resource plan showing clearly the amount sought in this financial year.
13. Interdependencies
List any links to other areas of Prevent activity or interdependencies between projects. This will show both how your project might benefit other areas as well as where other work that contributes to your project will need to take place.
14. Risks and issues
List any high level risks and any issues identified. This is to help us get a sense of how deliverable the project is.
15. Governance
Show what governance arrangements will be in place to ensure the project delivers its proposed outcomes. Who will ensure the project is delivering a quality service in accordance with its aims.
16. Project outline
Please summarise the project plan for the funding period, including the structure, content, planned proposals and critical milestones.
17. Do you intend to mainstream/continue your project after the grant funding ends?
Please identify whether the project is sustainable and if so, how this will be achieved.